Our Services

Services we provide

Network Energy Services has established hundreds of embedded networks. Our client-focused model lends itself to maximising client benefits. If you are considering electricity onselling, talk to us. We can help you set things up to maximise benefits from the beginning.

Assess prospective sites to ensure savings and benefits can be achieved

Manage the cost effective implementation of
infrastructure to on-sell electricity

Conduct information sessions and manage
communication with residents and tenants

Manage the Billing Services, Meter Reading,
Payment Collection, Customer Service and Administration

Ensure compliance with legislation

Strategic Guidance to ensure village
objectives are achieved

Support your sustainability reporting requirements

Green energy solutions, including solar, EV and microgrids

Water and air conditioning on-selling

Regulatory & Compliance

Network Energy Services works hard to simplify complexities for our clients. Part of this involves building awareness of the regulatory and compliance matters which may be important.

Over the past decade, there has been increasing transparency around the requirements for Exempt Sellers who are engaged in electricity on-selling. We ensure our clients are kept informed and their embedded networks are best practice.

We have also been very active in representing the aged sector on legislative matters relating to electricity on-selling.


Competition in the electricity market offers more opportunity than ever before for communities to reduce their electricity costs and maximise benefits.

Electricity on-selling can provide significant discounts to consumers, reduce operational costs for common area facilities and generate additional revenue for the site. This means that residents or tenants can have cheaper energy and lower overheads.

The objectives of each client are different. Network Energy Services works to maximise what matters most.

For example, clients with a community focus, such as retirement villages, usually choose to return profit from electricity on-selling to residents via lower service fees.

Other clients may have a high turnover of tenants and will value timely recovery of costs.

The ability to include special arrangements such as solar feed-in tariffs, rebates or additional services can also be beneficial for clients. Special charging arrangements can be tailored to suit the needs of the client.

Why set up an electricity embedded network?

Network Energy Services provides a full service, including helping you set up your own embedded network so that residents and tenants receive discounted electricity so embedded network operators can receive further benefits from their electricity and water infrastructure (including potable, recycled, hot and chilled water).

Embedded networks can be set up for various types of developments, including retirement villages, manufactured home estates, commercial parks, apartment buildings and shopping centres. As ‘Exempt Sellers’, these entities can on-sell utilities to the residents or tenants who occupy premises inside the embedded network within these types of developments.

Embedded networks are becoming increasingly common as their benefits become understood by developers, property owners, managers and occupiers. The legislation enabling on-selling of energy is relatively recent and the implementation of embedded networks is steadily evolving.

Network Energy Services provides all of the services required for the successful implementation, operation and optimisation of electricity on-selling for suitable sites for retirement villages and manufactured home estates, including:

Brownfield Sites – Converting existing sites to embedded networks and electricity on-sellers

Greenfield Sites – New projects. We provide guidance and design to maximise benefits of electricity on-selling

Transition Sites – Not satisfied with your current Embedded Network Manager and service provider? We can help you transition across to us

As an accredited Embedded Network Manager, Network Energy Services can offer tailored solutions to suit every need.