An update on Victorian non-mains energy concession payments for 2024

The non-mains energy concession is paid to eligible consumers in Victoria based on the amount paid for electricity in the calendar year.

For eligible consumers who have provided their concession details and authorisation, Network Energy Services (NES) lodges a claim for the non-mains energy concession on electricity account holders’ behalf annually.

We are pleased to advise that NES has submitted all claims to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) for the 2024 calendar year for consumers who have provided their concession details.

It is important to note that the DFFH is implementing changes in looking to streamline non-mains energy claims processing, and moving away from issuing cheques which will soon no longer be supported by financial institutions.

The DFFH wrote to many (but not all) consumers living in communities operating electricity embedded networks in 2024 requesting banking information, so that future non-mains energy concession claim payments could be deposited directly into consumer bank accounts rather than issuing cheques. If you have completed and returned this form to the DFFH, you can expect to receive your payment directly into your bank account rather than receiving a cheque in the mail.

The DFFH have advised NES that they are planning to commence payment processing on 13 January 2025, and hope to complete them by the end of that month.

If eligible consumers have not received a concession payment by mid-February 2025, you should contact the DFFH directly on the concession information line on 1800 658 521 to seek an update. You can find more information about the non-mains energy concession via the official website HERE.